C. Lennerz:
Impulsbasierte Dynamiksimulation starrer Körper
unter Verwendung von Hüllkörperhierarchien
(Impulse-based dynamics simulation of rigid bodies using
bounding-volume-accelerated distance computation).
Chair of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Saarland, 2001. |
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C. Lennerz:
Finding roots of polynomials.
AG1 Noon Seminar of AG1,
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, 2001. |
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C. Lennerz:
Solving systems of multivariate polynomials with application to distance computation between quadratic complexes.
AG1 Noon Seminar of AG1,
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, 2001. |
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C. Lennerz:
Distance computation for quadratic complexes.
Noon Seminar of AG1,
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, 2002. |
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C. Lennerz, J. Reichel, E.Schömer and T. Warken:
Geometric algorithms for planning and simulation tasks
in virtual prototyping.
Tutorial T1
7th ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications (SM'02), 2002. |
C. Lennerz:
Efficient distance computation for quadratic curves and surfaces.
Conference Presentation
2nd IEEE Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP'02), 2002. |
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C. Lennerz:
The Challenger-Tragedy - analyzed from the 'Intelligent Organization' perspective.
Presentation during the course Organization I,
Chair of Business Administration esp.
Organization Resource and Information Management,
Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Saarland, 1998. |
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C. Lennerz:
Twenty-first-century organizations:
business, firms, business schools and the academy.
Presentation of the Michael Hitt's paper during the course PMG I,
Chair of Business Administration esp.
Organization Resource and Information Management,
Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Saarland, 1998. |
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C. Lennerz, Daniel Lieser, Sven Löbel, Oliver Moorth, Susanne Nickel,
Björn Rosenberger and Jörg Sauerwein:
Managing human resources in the non-uniform firm -
Eine multiperspektivische Analyse.
Case study during the course Organization II,
Chair of Business Administration esp.
Organization Resource and Information Management,
Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Saarland, 1998. |
C. Lennerz and Didier Lemeire:
Selected countries in the spotlight:
Recent trends in society and economy of France.
Paper on how cultural differences may influence strategic decisions
written during the course Organization III,
Chair of Business Administration esp.
Organization Resource and Information Management,
Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Saarland, 1998. |
course work |
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C. Lennerz:
Die Verfahren von Bartal und Karger
zur Lösung des Graham Problems.
Seminararbeit and presentation,
Chair of Business Administration esp.
Information and Technology Management,
Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Saarland, 1999. |